
Baby Karaoke!?

After the talk by the speech therapist on babies learning to talk at the ECHC last week I got all in a flap over the fact that I very rarely sing to Asher. I used all the excuses; my singing voice isn't great, I don't have time (!), I don't know the words or the tune to nursery rhymes blah blah blah. Anyhow, I remembered seeing that there were nursery rhyme lyics at the Raising Children Network website so I went there and I found better than just a song sheet, I found BABY KARAOKE. So for the past few days I've had little singalongs with Asher sitting on my knee at the computer and sneakily checking email between songs and we have both been really enjoying it. I think Incey Wincey is my favourite because I like doing the actions with Baa Baa Black Sheep running a close second. Unfortunately I can't seem to manage singing along with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

In other, unrelated news my stepmother has left my dad. We saw it coming, but it's still weird.

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